Quotations from Chairman Zhu
Quotations from Chairman Zhu, or 朱語錄 , is a collection of political
observations by free market anarchist Bevin Chu, in the manner of
Ambrose Bierce, Oscar Wilde, and H.L. Mencken.
Bevin Chu’s name, 朱炳文 , is transliterated as “Zhu Bingwen” according to the Hanyu Pinyin system used on the Chinese mainland.
Quotations from Chairman Zhu is obviously a satirical jab at the
late Mao Zedong, whose Quotations from Chairman Mao, or 毛語錄 , was polea
apart from Chu’s free market anarchism.
Quotations from Chairman Zhu will be updated whenever the Muse inspires.
America: a nation born on July 4, 1776 which died on September 11, 2001. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Axis of Evil: Once said to be Iran/Iraq/North Korea. Now known to be the US/Australia/India/Japan. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Bipartisanship: agreement between the ruling and opposition parties on how to defraud the taxpayers. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Career criminals don’t obey gun laws. They author them. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
China expert, aka Sinologist: A Sinophobe with a diploma on the wall. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Consent of the governed: The non-consent of those who never consented to be governed. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Conspiracy theorist: someone who draws unwanted attention to a conspiracy fact. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Constitution: a document drawn up by people you never met that claims you must obey other people you never met. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Constitution: a piece of paper intended to convince you that total strangers have the right to demand your obedience and money. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Constitutional Convention: A group of busybodies who meet in secret,
making up rules they intend to force total strangers to obey at
Corporations don’t own the government. They are the government. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The Cold War transformed the Chinese Communist Party into the Chinese
Civilizational Party, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics into
Russia, Inc, and the United States of America into the Amerikanischen
Polizeistaat. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The Common Good: something good only for those who consider themselves uncommon. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The Conventional Wisdom may represent convention, but it seldom represents wisdom. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
There is no such thing as a good cop, because good cops become ex-cops. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
To be a political analyst one must be a criminal profiler. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Today more Communists can be found on American university campuses than in all of Russia and China. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Today’s conspiracy theory is tomorrow’s conspiracy fact. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Yesterday the corporations were creatures of the state. Today the state is a shell company for the corporations. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Yesterday’s conspiracy theory is today’s conspiracy fact. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Champion of democracy: Someone who approves of dictatorships as long as they hold elections. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Champions of democracy made the world safe for democracy. Champions of freedom must now make it safe from democracy. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Democracy is government of the sheeple, by the sheeple, and for the sheeple. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Democracy is mob rule in every sense of the term. It is rule by organized crime from above, and disorganized rabble from below. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Democracy is the most successful long con in history. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Democracy: a political system with all the disadvantages of a dictatorship but none of its advantages. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Democracy: a progressive political system that generously allows slaves to choose their masters. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Democracy: a system of legalized vote-buying. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Democracy: an oligarchy rubber-stamped by an election. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
I am an enemy of democracy because democracy is the enemy of liberty. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
In theory, democracy is government of the people, by the people, and
for the people. In practice, it is government of the people in
government, by the people in government, and for the people in
government. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Extortion: the crime of demanding payment for unsolicited
“protection” from real or hypothetical threats from other parties.
Governments refer to their extortion as “taxation”. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The electorate: government term for willing victims. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The love of money is not the root of all evil. That distinction is reserved for the lust for power. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
When government is involved, “equal treatment” means equal mistreatment. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Anyone who appends a “but” after the phrase “I am a champion of freedom”, is no champion of freedom. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Faulty moral precepts that go unchallenged will eventually manifest themselves in their most extreme form. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Fractional Reserve Banking: legalized counterfeiting. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Free and fair election: an open and transparent process by which slaves choose their masters. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Free and fair election: unfree and unfair selection. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Free education is neither free nor education. It is state
indoctrination that inculcates the acceptance of slavery, subsidized
through legalized extortion and counterfeiting.
The West does not have freedom of information. It has freedom of disinformation. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Government is not about serving the people. It is about herding the sheeple. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Government is an institution that enables sociopaths to reassure
themselves that “everything is under control”. In short, government is
not a hallmark of civilizational order, but a symptom of mental illness.
Government: a gang of thugs that demands obedience and money at gunpoint from everyone inside a line it drew on a map. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Government: strangers you don’t know from Adam who presume to tell you how to live. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Governments acquire wealth in two ways. Taxation, which is legalized
extortion. And inflation, which is legalized counterfeiting. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Governments are populated not by idealists with a mission to help, but by sociopaths with a compulsion to control. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Governments cannot exist unless they first commit two crimes,
intimidation and extortion. Intimidation is threatening someone with
physical harm or physical confinement unless he obeys your commands.
Governments refer to their intimidation as “law enforcement”. Extortion
is demanding payment for unsolicited “protection” from real or
hypothetical threats from other parties. Governments refer to their
extortion as “taxation”. The problem with government is that it cannot
avoid being anything other than the very evil it promises to protect us
from. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Gun control is not the control of guns. It is the control of people.
It is the control of people who surrender their guns, by the people who
collect their guns. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Gun control is people control. It is people who have guns controlling people who don’t have them. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Gun controllers are people who prove that guns are dangerous in the wrong hands — their own. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Gun controllers have no intention of eliminating guns. They merely intend to eliminate your guns. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Gun free zone: a zone in which people who have guns are free to shoot people who don’t have guns. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Human beings who think they cannot live without government are livestock who cannot live without ranchers. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
No government will ever protect people from looters, because the government is the looter the people most need protection from. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
No government will ever protect the public from evil, because the
government is the very evil the public most needs protection from. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
So-called “government of the people, by the people, and for the
people”, is “government of the people in government, by the people in
government, and for the people in government”. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The General Welfare: Welfare for the generals of the Military Industrial Complex. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The government is a crime family with a flag. The Social Contract is an offer you can’t refuse. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The government will never protect people from monopolies, because the
government is the monopolist the people most need protection from. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The government will never protect the pubic from evil corporations,
because the government is the evil corporation’s subsidiary, whose sole
purpose is to enrich the mother company. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The problem is not that governments violate human rights. The problem is that government itself is a violation of human rights. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The problem is not that gun control will leave us at the mercy of
criminals. The problem is that the gun controllers are the criminals. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The problem with government is that it cannot avoid being anything other than the very evil it promises to protect us from. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The problem with gun control is that gun controllers are the very people we need guns to defend against. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Unless you attend the annual Bilderberg gathering, the government is not your government, it is their government. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Illegal: whatever the government disapproves of, no matter how right.
Legal: whatever the government approves of, no matter how wrong. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Inflation is legalized counterfeiting. Taxation is legalized
extortion. That’s what governments do. They legalize criminal activity,
as long as they are the criminals engaged in the activity of course. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Intellectual Property Rights are neither intellectual, nor property,
nor rights. They are anti-intellectual violations of real property
rights. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Intimidation: the crime of threatening someone with physical harm or
physical confinement unless he obeys one’s commands. Governments refer
to their intimidation as “law enforcement”. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Jurisdiction: What other gangs call turf, the government calls jurisdiction. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Keynesian economics: a smokescreen to make legalized counterfeiting sound like rational policy. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Law Enforcement Officer: the term the crime family with a flag uses for its legbreakers. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Law-abiding citizen: passive victim. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Legal: whatever the government approves of, no matter how wrong.
Illegal: whatever the government disapproves of, no matter how right. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Liberal democracy, like congressional ethics, is an oxymoron. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Limited government is better than totalitarianism, but only in the sense that petty theft is better than grand theft. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Limited government is early stage totalitarianism. Totalitarianism is late stage limited government. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Modern liberals are “Democratic fundamentalists” whose blind faith in
“Liberal Democracy” rivals Islamic fundamentalists’ blind faith in
Sharia Law. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The Law: the name the government gives to its gang rules. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The Rule of Law: rule by those who write the law, interpret the law, and enforce the law. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The US Empire does not liberate. It obliterates. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
When scam artists sell something they don’t have, it is known as
fraud and is punishable by law. When scam artists known as “The
Government” sell something they don’t have, it is known as monetary
policy, and it is the law. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Majority rule: minority rule rubber-stamped by a plurality. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Monetary policy: legalized counterfeiting. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Money is not the root of all evil. That distinction belongs to fiat currency. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The MSM manufactures consent. The CIA manufactures dissent. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The Myth of Authority: the belief that people who have “authority” may demand obedience from people who lack it. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The Myth of Authority: the belief that people who lack “authority” must obey those who have it. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The greatest mistake people make is to assume that people in government have their interests in mind rather than their own. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The greatest mystery in the world is why people obey total strangers who call themselves “The Government.” https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
If the political system of the PRC is “Socialism with Chinese
characteristics”, then the political system of the USA is “Nazism with
American characteristics”. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Non-Governmental Organization (NGO): Nefarious Governmental Organization dedicated to color revolutions and regime change. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Organized Crime: the name the government gives to criminal organizations less organized than itself. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
A political solution is never a solution. It is always a problem. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
A property tax is an oxymoron. If you must pay a tax on it, it is not your property. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
A public servant is not a servant of the public. He is a servant of higher-ranking public servants. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Every state is a police state. A state that ceases to be a police state, ceases to be. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Political Correctness is unquestionably political, but it could not be less correct. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Pro-choice: a woman’s right to choose between revolvers or automatics. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Public service is public servants being serviced by the public. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The duty of the police is to protect the people from whom we need protection. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The public interest: a successfully relabeled special interest. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The purpose of police state security measures is not to ensure public safety. It is to ensure public obedience. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The purpose of public education is not to facilitate understanding. It is to instill obedience. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Quantitative easing is a euphemism for monetary policy. Monetary
policy is a euphemism for legalized counterfeiting. Quantitative easing
is a euphemism of a euphemism. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
People have rights only so long as they believe they have them. The moment they stop believing they have them, they lose them. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
People who don’t understand the nature of government, expect the
government to protect them from robber barons. People who do understand
the nature of government, expect the robber barons to appoint them to
government positions. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Registered voter: registered slave. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The rule of law: rule by those who write the laws, interpret the laws, and enforce the laws. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
A government solution is never a solution. Any solution imposed upon
people by force is always a problem, hence never a solution. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
I am an enemy of the state, because the state is an enemy of the people.
Shakedown: the felonious act of extorting money through threats of violence. Shakedowns by governments are known as taxation. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Statism: The belief that people lack the wisdom to make their own
decisions, but somehow have the wisdom to choose someone who does. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Supreme Court: nine gang members in black robes responsible for explaining the gang rules. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The Social Contract: a fictitious agreement not worth the paper it isn’t printed on. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
The term state violence is a redundancy. A state is defined by violence. A state that is not violent is not a state. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Paradoxical Law of Truth: the more incomprehensible the explanation, the bigger the lie. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Tax evasion: the crime of avoiding extortion. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Taxation is legalized extortion. Inflation is legalized counterfeiting. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Taxpayers: government term for victims of extortion. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Totalitarianism is late stage limited government. Limited government is early stage totalitarianism. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Totalitarianism: the end point of all government. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Universal suffrage: an equitable political arrangement that permits every slave to choose his own master. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Refusing to vote is also a vote. It is a vote that says “I refuse to authorize my own enslavement.” https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Voting: a sacrament of the state religion by which individuals sanction their own enslavement. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Voting: the privilege of choosing one’s slavemaster. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
A wise consistency is the hallmark of a great mind. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/
Zionism: Nazism with Jewish Characteristics. https://anenemyofthestate.wordpress.com/quotations-from-chairman-zhu/