Bevin Chu
May 12, 2001

Epoch Times: Why do the Sons of High Ranking KMT Officials run to the US and argue on behalf of the Chinese Communists?
Comment: The Epoch Times is the official mouthpiece of Falungong. Falungong meanwhile, is almost certainly a CIA front, pretending to represent domestic Chinese dissent against the Beijing authorities.
As a free market anarchist who opposes all monopolistic governments, I have no desire to champion any political regime.
But as an anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist, I have a powerful desire to expose neocolonialism and neoimperialism against the Chinese people, and for that matter, any people.
The Chinese people must not be equated with any political authority, either the KMT or the CCP, just as the American people must not be equated with the Republican or Democratic Parties. A political authority is not a country. A country is not a political authority. As I noted in an article years ago: "China is not Beijing. America is not Washington."
The Epoch Times probably understands these distinctions. But the Epoch Times being what it is, a mouthpiece for neocolonialism and neoimperialism, pretends that it believes individuals such as myself and George Koo are "Running Dogs for Beijing."
I consider the Epoch Times' character attacks against me a form of unintentional praise. In fact, I consider them a badge of honor.
-- Bevin Chu
【大纪元5月12日讯】 一个有趣的现象是:一方面,在中国大陆,专政机器正在严密监视、无情打击那些同台湾有著“说不清”关系的海外华人,这些人或多或少出身干部家庭,知道共产党一些秘密,在干部队伍中有人脉,一旦访问台湾,容易被特务机关吸收。高瞻、李少民、覃光广、徐泽荣、吴建民等被捕的海外人士,都撇不清这方面的嫌疑。问题是:他们怎么会轻易干这个呢?发人深思。
另一方面,台湾背景的一些国民党高干子弟,自七十年代台湾被踢出联合国以来,移民来到美国之后,却在为中共粉饰、辩护。他们所作所爲比大陆移民还左,比如纽约有个花俊雄,台湾人,简直就是共产党原教旨主义发言人,用各种场合为共产党张目,乐此不疲。加州有个George Koo,经常在网上爲中共罪大恶极的罪行(比如六四屠杀)进行辩护。“百人会”中也有一些亲共商人,吃完台湾,吃中国,还念念不忘打入美国政界,谋个一官半职。
下面的文章,信口雌黄地说“中国不是共产党国家,美国跟本没有受到任何威胁”,根据的是不知什么僞学者炮制的报告,说咱中国人只把收入的11%拿来缴税,而美国人缴30%多,北欧国家缴40-50%多,由此断言,中国比欧美更资本主义。读到此,差点把俺乐死。这位老兄跟本不懂共产党垄断政治资源的经济利益是多大。文章作者是一个台湾前外交官(由此推测是国民党的高官)的儿子,在Texas的建筑师,叫Bevin Chu.
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