translated by Bevin Chu
December 25, 2007

Joseph Stalin, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
约瑟夫 斯大林, 蘇聯第1任蘇共中央總書記
"The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything."
-- attributed to Joseph Stalin
"投票的人什麼都不決定。數票的人決定一切 "
-- 约瑟夫 斯大林
Executive Yuan Secretary General Chen Ching-chun, one of "the people who count the votes," threatens local election officials belonging to the 18 Pan Blue governed counties and municipalities with removal from office, replacement by others, criminal prosecution, and draconian punishments if they don't meekly implement the ruling DPP's "single-stage balloting procedure." Chen denounces a KMT newspaper ad (left hand) exposing the ruling DPP's determination to have the DPP controlled Central Election Committee "count" the votes, and asserts that the government is upholding the ROC Constitution (right hand)

William M. "Boss" Tweed (1823 - 1878) Member of the U.S. House of Representatives from New York's 5th district
特威德老大 (1823 - 1878) 美因侵吞公款身敗名裂的知名政治人物

Inscription on ballot box: In counting there is strength
票櫃上的標語 : 數票就是力量
"As long as I count the votes, what are you going to do about it?"
-- Boss Tweed
"只要選票是我來數的, 你能拿我這麼樣? "
-- 特威德老大
香港文匯報 [2006-11-27] 美報諷扁「特威德老大」
報道說,台灣政壇向來充斥口水戰與肢體衝突,近來尤甚。曾被視為「台灣之子」的陳水扁,而今卻被指為「特威德老大(Boss Tweed)」(美因侵吞公款身敗名裂的知名政治人物,1868年到1870年之間,時任紐約州參議員特威德藉職務之便竊取紐約市政府至少2,500萬美元的公共經費,使紐約市政府赤字激增)。檢方指他涉及機要費案,並起訴扁夫人吳淑珍,案子預定12月開始審理。在野的國民黨對機要費案本來見獵心喜,不料現任台北市長的黨主席馬英九也被指涉及首長特別費案而陣腳大亂。
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