Bevin Chu
June 04, 2006

Pro independence Pan Green legislators, knowing two opposition amendments will pass, prevent a vote by means of physical violence
On May 31, 2006, pro independence legislators in the Republic of China legislature prevented the passage of two amendments that would have permitted direct airline flights and maritime shipping between the mainland region of China and the Taiwan region of China.
Pro independence legislators prevented the passage of the two amendments not by means of a democratic majority in the Republic of China legislature.
Pro independence legislators have never constituted a majority within the ROC legislature.
Pro independence legislators prevented the passage of the two amendments not by resorting to devious but legal stalling tactics.
They already exhausted that option with a failed filibuster.
Pro independence legislators prevented the passage of the two amendments by means of physical violence.
What do I mean by physical violence?
I mean that a pro independence legislator prevented the Republic of China legislature from holding a vote on the two amendments by snatching a cloture petition from a Pan Blue legislator, stuffing it into her own mouth, chewing it up, then spitting it out and tearing it to pieces.

DPP legislator Wang Shu-hui snatches the opposition's cloture petition and stuffs it into her mouth
Female Democratic Progressive Party legislator Wang Shu-hui snatched the cloture petition from the hands of female People First Party legislator Ko Shu-min while Ko was was on the way to the podium to present the petition to Speaker of the Legislature Wang Jing-Pyng.
A dozen or so DPP legislators then surrounded Ko, preventing her from reaching Wang and retrieving the petition.
Wang stuffed the document in mouth to prevent Ko and other PFP legislators who rushed to Ko's aid from retrieving it.
Wang chewed on the petition, mutilating it. She later spat it out and tore it into tiny pieces.

DPP legislator Wang Shu-hiu destroys the opposition's petition by chewing on it
Cloture, for the record, is a parliamentary procedure by which debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken on the matter under discussion. It is also called closure.
The cloture motion would have ended the DPP's fillibuster and enabled a vote on two amendments to the Statute Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area.
Article 28 of the Statute Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area forbids airplanes and ships from traveling directly to the mainland unless specifically authorized by the government. Mainland airplanes and ships are barred from Taiwan's territorial waters and air space, unless explicitly allowed by Taipei authorities.
The two amendments would have lifted the ban and required the government to allow direct flights and shipping within three to six months. The government would have had to draft a set of regulations enabling direct that period of time.
DPP Legislative Caucus Whip Ker Chien-ming said the DPP would never agree to vote on the two amendments. DPP legislator at large and former premier Chang Chun-hsiung insisted that "Taiwan's sovereignty [sic] is at stake."
The Republic of China Legislature was then forced by procedural rules to go into summer recess.
Will somebody please provide the "Democratic Progressive Party" and the Taiwan Solidarity Union with copies of The Common Law of Parliamentary Procedure and Robert's Rules of Order?

Robert's Rules of Order, circa 1876
Not one Taiwan independence legislator, not one Taiwan independence elder, not one Taiwan independence academic, not one Taiwan independence pundit has spoken out against this outrage against the rule of law.
From this day forward, I never want to hear another "champion of democracy," especially western expatriate Taiwan independence fellow travelers on Taiwan, lecture the Chinese people about "democracy, freedom, human rights, and the rule of law."
Pronunciation (klchr)
n. A parliamentary procedure by which debate is ended and an immediate vote is taken on the matter under discussion. Also called closure.
tr.v. clo·tured, clo·tur·ing, clo·tures
To apply cloture to (a parliamentary debate).
[French clo^ture, from Old French closture, probably alteration of closure, closure; see closure.]
This article draws on information provided by the English language China Post.
So unlike the US Congress, does the Legislative Yuan not have any procedures for expelling its own members? And forgive my amateurish question, but why can't she just write up a new one? Why does there have to be summer recess?
ReplyDelete那就是愛台灣啦﹗ If you follow 全民大悶鍋
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous (Chinese language),
ReplyDeleteRight you are!
To anonymous (English language),
Su asks for extra legislative session
Premier Su Tseng-chang (R) tells egislative speaker Wang Jin-pyng Thursday that the Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) visited Legislative Speaker Wang Jin-pyng (王金平) on Thursday and urged that the Legislative Yuan hold an extraordinary session to pass urgent bills as well as budgets that total some NT$ 2.7 trillion. But the speaker pointed out if the ruling and opposition parties fail to compromise on a proposed amendment that would allow for the opening of cross-strait transportation links with China, it would be difficult to schedule an extraordinary session.
The Legislature had been paralyzed over the proposed amendment for the past three weeks, and the deadlock has left the controversial amendment, major bills, and urgently needed budgets in limbo.
As the third session of the sixth lawmaking body came to an end on Tuesday, a special budget of NT$30.9 billion for flood control and prevention projects, NT$107 billion for the expansion of public infrastructure projects as well as a budget of NT$2.6 trillion for state enterprises had not yet been passed.
During his meeting with Wang, Premier Su said failure to pass time-sensitive budgets would delay many public projects and impede Taiwan's economic development; therefore lawmakers should convene an extraordinary session as soon as possible.
Wang agreed with Su, saying it was urgent and necessary to hold an extraordinary session, but reiterated that a consensus on the cross-strait bill was the key factor in the whole issue.
"If no progress is made in reaching a consensus on the proposed amendment to the cross-strait law, the extraordinary session will be unproductive and a total mess," Wang said.
Since President Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) decided to cede some of his powers to the premier, Su should communicate with the pan-green alliance of the Democratic Progressive Party and the Taiwan Solidarity Union and urge them to iron out the problems related to the amendment, the speaker suggested.
Apart from its failure to review urgently needed budgets, the Legislature has also not yet approved the nominee for the state public prosecutor general post.
In response to Su's request, the Kuomintang legislative caucus said it was willing to convene an extraordinary session, but suggested that the ruling party should offer an apology for its violent actions in the Legislature over the past three weeks. The Cabinet should also specify the bills it wants to see given priority in the extraordinary session, the KMT said.
Source:Taiwan News(2006/06/02 12:41:46)
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