by Bevin Chu
April 25, 2008

Above is a news article entitled "Plebiscite Coming on Mexico’s Claim to California?" by Sacramento Union columnist Liam Weston.
Weston notes with indignation and alarm that 58 percent of Mexicans surveyed in a national poll believe the Southwestern United States rightly belongs to Mexico.
Weston concludes that "Our government has not considered the longer-term consequences of immigration policies that no longer require assimilation as the cost of U.S. citizenship or residency."
But Mexican migration to the southwest in recent decades is not the reason Mexicans believe the southwest rightly belongs to Mexico. Mexicans believe the southwest rightly belongs to Mexico because the US extorted it from Mexico at gunpoint in 1848.
In 1844, President James K. Polk... wanted to lay claim to California, New Mexico, and land near the disputed southern border of Texas. Mexico, however, was not so eager to let go of these territories... Determined to acquire the land, he sent American troops to Texas... to provoke the Mexicans into war. When the Mexicans fired on American troops in April 25, 1846, Polk had the excuse he needed. [Some] Americans simply thought it was wrong to use war to take land from Mexico. Among those was Second Lieutenant Ulysses S. Grant... he would later call the war "one of the most unjust ever waged by a stronger against a weaker nation. It was an instance of a republic following the bad example of European monarchies, in not considering justice in their desire to acquire additional territory."
-- PBS Online, People & Events: The Mexican American War, 1846-1848
Many Hollywood stars live in California, in what Mexicans consider northern Mexico. Quite a few of these stars are self-righteously demanding that China accede to the demands of Tibetan nationalists for a "Greater Tibet."
These Hollywood stars neither know nor care that Mexican claims to California have far greater validity than Tibetan nationalists' claim to a "Greater Tibet." Or conversely, that China's claims to Tibet have far greater validity than US claims to California.
These Hollywood stars, who hold deeds to high-priced real estate in Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Brentwood, and Malibu, will probably say that "Too much time has passed. What's done is done. California is now irrevocably a part of the United States. You can't turn the clock back."
But the United States annexed California in 1848, a mere 160 years ago. If the passage of 160 years must be accepted because "Too much time has passed. What's done is done," then Tibet, which became part of China 737 years ago, is even more "irrevocably a part of China."
If "You can't turn the clock back" because "Too much time has passed, and what's done is done," then why are these Hollywood stars attempting to turn the clock back for the Tibetan region of China, but not for the California region of the US?

CIA World Factbook correctly acknowledges that Tibet is an integral part of China
In fact, China's vastly more compelling claim to Tibet doesn't end there. As noted above, the US acquired California by invading Mexico and extorting California from Mexico at gunpoint.
China did not acquire Tibet by invading Tibet and annexing Tibet. Tibet became part of China when the Mongol Empire, with Tibetan collusion, invaded and conquered Song dynasty China during the 13th century.
Once the Mongolians completed their conquest of "Han China," they used Tibetans to control the Hans. The Mongolians established a three-tiered hierarchy. The top tier was the conquering Mongolians, the middle tier was their Tibetan allies, and the bottom tier was the conquered Hans.
Far from being innocent victims, Tibetans were accomplices in the Mongolian conquest and subjugation of China -- as China was defined in the Song dynasty.
Many Dalai Lama acolytes don't even know that the honorific title "Dalai," as in "Dalai Lama," is not even a Tibetan word. It is a Mongolian word. It was first conferred upon leaders of Tibet's lamaist theocracy by the ruling Mongolians during the Yuan dynasty. It was later conferred upon Tibet's theocrats by the ruling Hans during China's Ming dynasty, and the ruling Manchus during China's Qing dynasty.
That's right. The Dalai Lama has traditionally derived his authority from China.
When the Mongolian-dominated Yuan dynasty collapsed, the Han-dominated Ming dynasty inherited the realm of the Yuan dynasty, including sovereignty over Mongolia and Tibet.
The bottom line? China's claims to Tibet are, if anything, far more compelling than US claims to California.
Either the US owns California, or it doesn't. If the US owns California, then China owns Tibet. If the US feels it has a strong case for the ownership of California, then China has an infinitely stronger case for the ownership of Tibet.
Below you will find the text of the aforementioned news article.
letters from Abroad
Plebiscite Coming on Mexico’s Claim to California?
Sacramento Union Columnist
April 18, 2008

Depicted in this image released last week by the Mexican advertising firm of Teran/TBWA is an advertisement created for Swedish Absolut Vodka that ran in Mexico showing a map of the border of Mexico and the United States where it stood before the Mexican-American War of 1848. The Absolut Vodka company apologized for the ad campaign amid angry calls for a boycott by U.S. consumers. (AP Photo/Teran/TBWA)
Around the world, the United States has supported enclaves of people seeking self- determination. We have provided support to people looking to secede in the Jammu/ Kashmir region of India, East Timor of Indonesia, Bosnia and even a province of Spain in the 1970s—just to name a few.
The United States supports resolutions within the United Nations calling on sovereign countries to hold a “plebiscite” – a type of referendum – to allow areas of their country to decide whether they can become independent or secede and join a neighboring country. While many Americans do not know the position our country has taken, it is well remembered by the nations whose territories we advocated should be reduced to accommodate an ethnic minority’s ambition for secession.
Spaniards remember the forced separation of their Province of Western Sahara from Spain in 1975 as if it happened yesterday. India is still fighting United Nations resolutions supported by the United States calling for a plebiscite in the Jammu/ Kashmir region. Even our closest allies like Israel have been told to shed territories they gained in war and cede control because an ethnic minority does not support their national government.
Separation Anxiety
While these situations are certainly complex and not all similar, they do represent a general trend of American foreign policy practiced by our State Department.
A recent Absolut Vodka advertisement in Mexico that showed the American southwest as part of Mexico calling it “absolut Mexico” caused quite an uproar in the U.S. press. It surprised me that so many people are learning for the first time that our nation’s sovereignty is in question.
For years, the “re-conquista” movement in California and across the southwest has been gaining momentum. However, the vodka advertisements appear to be the first nationwide reaction to the radical view. What has been propelling them forward is the direct involvement by the Mexican government in our internal affairs. If current trends continue, a call for a plebiscite over Southern California is not out of the question.
I say this because some members of the California State Legislature already represent districts in Los Angeles County where so few constituents are U.S. citizens that voter turnout is sparse. This hasn’t gone unnoticed in Mexico.
Mexico claims the right to interfere in our internal politics as more of its citizens move across the border and establish residency. When Vicente Fox was the President of Mexico, he regularly referred to the “120 million” Mexicans he represented. At the time, Mexico’s population was only 100 million but he explained he also represented 20 million Mexican living inside the United States.
In 1998, the Mexican Congress passed a law allowing Mexicans nationals to retain their citizenship even after pledging allegiance to the United States when becoming U.S. citizens. The law, called Mexican Nationality Law, even allows immigrants who already became naturalized U.S. citizens before 1998 to become legal Mexican citizens retroactively.
Two years ago, the Mexican Congress passed an absentee voting law to accommodate these many new citizens of their country. Now, Mexican citizens living permanently inside the United States may participate regularly in Mexico’s national elections. There have also been initiatives inside the Mexican Congress to add seats for representatives from districts in areas like California. Imagine a Mexican legislator telling a U.S. Congressman that he received more votes in the district and is therefore the democratically elected representative of, say, Los Angeles?
Claiming California
It took the Absolut Vodka advertisement for our national media to even discuss this issue. Many Americans were shocked to learn that 58 percent of Mexicans surveyed in a national poll believed the Southwestern United States rightly belongs to Mexico. Our government has not considered the longer-term consequences of immigration policies that no longer require assimilation as the cost of U.S. citizenship or residency. Mexico, on the other hand, has considered the consequences carefully and is taking action.
Most of the ingredients the U.S. State Department considers necessary before calling for a plebiscite are already here: A large population of unassimilated foreign nationals and another government pretending to be their voice. The ingredient still missing is civil unrest or severe economic conditions that aggravate the delicate political situation.
It is not my intention to be an alarmist since I do not know if it will take ten years or 50 years before the inevitable California plebiscite is demanded by Mexico. However, the irreparable harm being done to our claim of national sovereignty through uncontrolled immigration is a problem that needs to be addressed immediately.
Hello Mr. Chu:
ReplyDeleteI read your thought-provoking "China's Claims to Tibet have
Greater Validity than US Claims to California." Below are some
linked articles that critique the Western media coverage of the
Tibetan riots/Olympics protests and expose the geopolitical
designs that are being pushed by the USA and its allies.
These articles are really an eye-opener and contradict much of
what the Mainstream 'free press' depicts. The
and German-Foreign-Policy-com pieces are especially insightful.
In fact, the Western media's coverage was so disingenous that
some Chinese students started a website to counter them:
D. Paik
Risky Geopolitical Game: Washington Plays ‘Tibet Roulette’ with
China and America: The Tibet Human Rights PsyOp
Western Media Fabrications regarding the Tibet Riots
Operations Against China
The Olympic Torch Relay Campaign
The Role of the CIA: Behind the Dalai Lama's Holy Cloak
Tibet: Will the USA Launch a New Secret War “Under the Roof of
the World”?
Chinese Tibet and European political performances
Trouble in Tibet
Behind the anti-China Olympics campaign
Your claims about Tibet and China don't really hold water. I read this post out of my own frustration with the Western media's skewing of images and whatnot. When I researched further, though, I found your claims tenuous and omit numerous qualifications that, in the end, show a lack of faith in those reading your site. It seems as though you don't present all of the information because you don't believe your audience could otherwise come to the same conclusions you did.
ReplyDeleteCase in point is your claim your mention of the truism that the word Dalai comes from Mongol, and therefore the authority of the Dalai Lama is derived from China. Just because the word comes from a translation of the Tibetan word "ocean" shows no derivative authority. The authority of the Dalai Lama comes from those who believe in him, not the etymological source of his name.
There are plenty of sound arguments for and against Chinese rule in Tibet. Everyone would be better off if people like yourself, who undoubtedly have a deep understanding of the situation, would be more even-keeled in their analysis.
Dear Robert,
ReplyDeleteWhat I have presented here is hardly the full case against Tibetan independence. I merely raised one of literally hundreds of points that could be raised about the issue, and will be raised when the time permits.
Tibetan independence media spin controllers and their Western amen corner have been building their case, however flimsy, for decades.
Undoing their deception, which is now oh so Politically Correct, will take at least as long.
-- Bevin
Mr. Chu,
ReplyDeleteI read your blog because I'm looking for the "other" side's opinion. I believe, and I'm sure you would agree, that most English language bloggers out there (especially in Taiwan) lean towards the pro-green, China-is-the-source-of-all-evil-in-the-world side to some degree, perhaps myself included. I read your blog often to get an understanding of what both sides are saying.
The point I was trying to make as to the above post isn't that your post doesn't disprove arguments for Tibetan Independence, rather that the specific arguments you're making don't seem to be very solid.
As I said, I'm sure there are reasonable arguments for China's possession of Tibet, and I'd like to learn more about them, but it's quite frustrating when someone like yourself, who clearly has a profound understanding of Chinese and Taiwanese history, doesn't present his arguments in a way that is likely to make those who disagree with him at the start come around.
I don't mean to insult you, nor do I mean to sound condescending. God knows, as far as Taiwan goes, I see this on both sides of the fence. You have to understand, though, for someone who is trying his best to learn about these issues, the emotion and bitterness doesn't help.
...and, of course, this is how I read it. Perhaps you disagree with how I perceived your tone.
Speaking of Aztlan (aka California and the "US" Southwest) being returned back to Mexico, check this out:
Robert, your so-called claim that most English language bloggers think "China-is-the-source-of-all-evil-in-the-world" is one of the most ridiculous things that I have ever heard.
ReplyDeleteThe US government IS the source of many if not all evil in the world.
Whenever US government criticizes another nations for something "bad", it is almost or even always that US has done the same thing or even worse.
This is not even my own opinion, it's a public "secret" !